Thursday, April 17, 2014

Manatthaddha Sutta 【मानत्थद्धसुत्तं】


1. The origin is Savatthli.
2. At that time, a Brahmin named Mànatthadda lived in Sàvatthi. He never worshipped mother or father, his teacher or elder brother.
3. At that time the Blessed One was preaching a large gathering.
4. And it occurred to the Brahmin Mànatthadda: "This recluse Gotama is preaching to a large gathering, what if I too approach. If the recluse Gotama speaks to me, I will speak. If he does not speak to me, I too will not speak to him."
5. Then the Brahmin Mànatthadda approached the Blessed One and silently stood on a side.
6. The Blessed One did not speak to him.
7. The Brahmin Mànatthadda, thinking the recluse Gotama does not know anything about me, liked to stay there longer.
8. The Blessed One knowing the thought and thought process of the Brahmin Mànatthadda said this stanza:
"Brahmin, pride is not good, it did not help any person in this world,
For what reason did you come, tell us your intention"

9. Then the Brahmin Mànatthadda, knowing, "The recluse Gotama knows my mind," put his head at the feet of the Blessed One, kissed the feet and stroked the feet with his hands and made his name heard saying, "I am Mànatthadda. Good Gotama. I am Mànatthadda."
10. The gathering was astonished and said, "This brahmin Mànatthadda never worshipped mother or father, his teacher or elder brother Yet he falls low at the feet of the Blessed One with devotion."
11. Then the Blessed One said to the Brahmin Mànatthadda: "That's enough Brahmin, sit on your seat, I know that you are pleased about me."
12. The Brahmin Mànatthadda sat on his own seat and said these stanzas to the Blessed One:

"How should I be not conceited, to whom should respects be paid?
Whom should I esteem and who should be highly honored?"

(The Blessed One:)
13. "Mother and father and also the elder brother,
Fourth is your teacher, towards them do not show conceit
Revere them and esteem them, they are suitable to be venerated.

The cooled worthy ones [Arahat], who have destroyed desires,
And done their duties are the incomparably worthy of reverence,
Worship them without conceit and without a hard heart."

‘‘अरहन्ते सीतीभूते, कतकिच्‍चे अनासवे।
निहच्‍च मानं अथद्धो, ते नमस्से अनुत्तरे’’ति॥
‘‘Arahante sītībhūte, katakicce anāsave;
Nihacca mānaṃ athaddho, te namasse anuttare’’ti.

14. Then the Brahmin Mànatthadda said to the Blessed One: "Good Gotama, now I understand. It's like something overturned is put upright. Something covered is made manifest. It's like one who was lost was shown the path. It's like a lamp lighted for the darkness, for those who have sight to see forms. In this and other ways the Teaching is well explained. Now I take refuge in good Gotama, in the Teaching and the Community of bhikkhus. I am a lay disciple who has taken refuge from today until I die."

Translated by
Bhikkhuni Uppalavanna

Word Bank 【生詞: 巴利文 - 英文 - 中文】

  • Arahante
    the one who attain the enlightenment
  • Sītībhūte
    cordial heart; kind and gently; decent; benevolent;
  • Katakicce
    one who finish the obligation.
    all done the task.
  • Anāsave
    one who free from desires and peace
  • Nihacca mānaṃ
    the one who put down or put an end to all kind of pride and arrogancy.
  • Athaddho
    not hardened,not obdurate,unselfish

Sutta Source【經源】:
तिपिटक (मूल) - सुत्तपिटक - संयुत्तनिकाय - सगाथावग्ग - ब्राह्मणसंयुत्तं - मानत्थद्धसुत्तं
Tipiṭaka (mūla) - Suttapiṭaka - Saṃyuttanikāya - Sagāthāvagga - Brāhmaṇasanyuttaṁ - Mānatthaddhasuttaṁ
三藏(原創)- 藏經 - 相應部 - 含有偈品 - 婆羅門相應 - 頑固苦行者經
三藏(原创)- 藏经 - 关联尼迦耶 - 含有偈品 - 婆罗门相应 - 顽固苦行者经

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Pesan orang tua

Ayo ngelakoni apik, sing seneng weweh, (pokok'e nek kasih sesuatu aja diitung) aja nglarani atine uwong.
Aja dadi uwong sing rumangsa bisa lan rumangsa pinter. Nanging dadiya uwong sing bisa lan pinter rumangsa.
"Sabar iku lire momot kuat nandhang sakening coba lan pandhadharaning urip. Sabar iku ingaran mustikaning laku." -
Ms. Shinta & Paribasan Jowo


Mari melakukan kebaikan dan senang berdarma-bakti, jangan pernah dihitung-hitung kalau sudah berbuat baik.
Janganlah menyakiti hati orang lain.
Jadi orang jangan cuma merasa bisa dan merasa pintar, tetapi jadilah orang yang bisa dan pintar merasa.
"Sabar itu merupakan sebuah kemampuan untuk menahan segala macam godaan dalam hidup.
Bertingkah laku dengan mengedepankan kesabaran itu ibaratnya bagaikan sebuah mustika
(sebuah hal yang sangat indah) dalam praktek kehidupan"
- Bu Shinta & Pepatah Jawa