Thursday, April 17, 2014

Included Aeon ~ Antara kappa

During the developed epoch, human lifespan can increase or decrease depending on their morality. When morality is on the rise, human lifespan increases till it reaches an exceedingly great age of 80,000 years at the peak of human morality. When immorality prevails, human lifespan decreases till it reaches a minimum of 10 years at the base of human bestiality. Details of these two periods of increase and decrease in the human lifespan are found in the Cakkavati Sihananda Sutta of the Digha nikaya.

The duration of one cycle in which the lifespan of humans rises from ten years to an exceeding great age and then falls
to ten years again is called an antara kappa, or so called "an included era".

How long is an included era?
In the Manual of Cosmic Order, the Venerable Ledi Sayadaw used the sands of the Ganges for comparison: “If a man were to count the number of years by the grains of sand, picked up one by one from one league of the Ganges, the sands would be exhausted sooner than the years of one included era were all counted.”At the completion of 64 included eras, the developed epoch comes
to an end. Since there are no living beings (in human and celestial realms) during the other three epochs, they are not reckoned in terms of included eras. But as all four incalculable epochs are of the same duration, the Commentaries equate one incalculable epoch(asankheyya kappa) with64 included eras(antara kappa).

In some Pali Texts, one incalculable epoch is quoted as containing either 64 or 20 included eras. This is because there is another type of included era reckoned in terms of the lifespan in Avici Hell that is one : eightieth of a world cycle or one : twentieth of an incalculable epoch. In this way, we can assume that one incalculable epoch is equal to 64 included eras of human beings or 20 included eras of Avici hell beings.

Word Definition of Antara
Antara,(adj.) [Vedic antara,cp. Gr. e]/ntera = Sk. antra (see anta3),Lat. interus fr. prep. inter. See also ante & anto]. Primary meanings are “inside” and “in between”; as adj. “inner”; in prep. use & in cpds. “inside,in between”. Further development of meaning is with a view of contrasting the (two) sides of the inside relation,i. e. having a space between,different from; thus nt. antaraṁ difference.

I. (Adj.-n) 1. (a) inner,having or being inside It.83 (tayo antarā malā three inward stains); esp. as --° in cpds. āmis° with greed inside,greedy,selfish Vin.I,303; dos° with aṅger inside,i. e. angry Vin.II,249; D.III,237; M.I,123; PvA.78 (so read for des°). Abl. antarato from within It.83. (b) in between,distant; dvādasa yojan° antaraṁ ṭhānaṁ PvA.139 139. -- 2. In noun-function (nt.):(a). spatial:the inside (of) Vv 361 (pītantara a yellow cloak or inside garment = pītavaṇṇa uttariya VvA.116); Dāvs.I,10 (dīp’antara-vāsin living on the island); DhA.I,358 (kaṇṇa-chidd° the inside of the ear; VvA.50 (kacch° inner room or apartment). Therefore also “space in between”,break J.V,352 (= chidda C.),& obstacle,hindrance,i. g. what stands in between:see cpds. and antara-dhāyati (for antaraṁ dhāyati). -- (b). temporal:an interval of time,hence time in general,& also a specified time,i. e. occasion. As interval in Buddhantaraṁ the time between the death of one Buddha and the appearance of another,PvA.10,14,21,47,191 etc. As time:It.121 (etasmiṁ antare in that time or at this occasion); Pv.I,1011 (dīghaṁ antaraṁ = dīghaṁ kālaṁ PvA.52); PvA.5 (etasmiṁ antare at this time,just then). As occasion:J.V,287; Pug.55 (eḷaka-m-antaraṁ occasion of getting rain). S.I,20,quoted DA.I,34,(mañ ca tañ ca kiṁ antaraṁ what is there between me and you?) C. expls. kiṁ kāraṇā. Mrs. Rh. D. in trsln. p. 256 “of me it is and thee (this talk) -- now why is this”; J.VI,8 (assa antaraṁ na passiṁsu they did not see a diff. in him). -- 3. Phrases:antaraṁ karoti (a) to keep away from or at a distance (trs. and intrs.),to hold aloof,lit. “to make a space in between” M.III,14; J. IV.2 (°katvā leaving behind); Pug.A 231 (ummāraṁ a. katvā staying away from a threshold); also adverbially:dasa yojanāni a. katvā at a distance of 10 y. PvA.139. -- (b.) to remove,destroy J.VI,56 (v. l. BB. antarāyaṁ karoti).

II. In prep. use (°-) with Acc. (direction) or Loc. (rest):inside (of),in the midst of,between,during (cp. III,use of cases). (a.) w. Acc.:antaragharaṁ paviṭṭha gone into the house Miln.11. -- (b.) w. Loc.:antaraghare nisīdanti (inside the house) Vin.II,213; °dīpake in the centre of the island J.I,240; °dvāre in the door J.V,231; °magge on the road (cp. antarāmagge) PvA.109; °bhatte in phrase ekasmiṁ yeva a. during one meal J I 19 = DhA.I,249; °bhattasmiṁ id. DhA.IV,12; °vīthiyan in the middle of the road PvA.96. °satthīsu between the thighs Vin.II,161 (has antarā satthīnaṁ) = J.I,218.

III,Adverbial use of cases,Instr. antarena in between D.I,56; S.IV,59,73; J.I,393; PvA.13 (kāl° in a little while,na kālantarena ib. 19). Often in combn. antarantarena (c. Gen.) right in between (lit. in between the space of) DhA.I,63,358. -- Loc. antare in,inside of,in between (-° or c. Gen. KhA 81 (sutt° in the Sutta); DhA.III,416 (mama a.); PvA.56,63 (rukkh°). Also as antarantare right inside,right in the middle of (c. Gen.) KhA 57; DhA.I,59 (vanasaṇḍassa a.). -- Abl. antarā (see also sep. article of antarā) in combn. antarantarā from time to time,occasionally; successively time after time Sn.p. 107; DhA.II,86; IV,191; PvA.272.

IV. anantara (adj.) having or leaving nothing in between i. e. immediately following,incessant,next,adjoining J.IV,139; Miln.382 (solid; DhA.I,397; PvA.63 (tadantaraṁ immediately hereafter),92 (immed. preceding),97 (next in caste). See also abbhantara.

--atīta gone past in the meantime J.II,243. --kappa an intermediary kappa (q. v.) D I 54. --kāraṇa a cause of impediment,hindrance,obstacle Pug.A 231 --cakka “the intermediate round”,i. e. in astrology all that belongs to the intermediate points of the compass Miln.178. --cara one who goes in between or inside,i. e. a robber S.IV,173. --bāhira (adj.) inside & outside J.I,125. --bhogika one who has power (wealth,influence) inside the kings dominion or under the king,a subordinate chieftain (cp. antara-raṭṭha) Vin.III,47 --raṭṭha an intermediate kingdom,rulership of a subordinate prince J.V,135. --vāsa an interregnum Dpvs.V.80. --vāsaka “inner or intermediate garment”,one of the 3 robes of a Buddhist bhikkhu (viz. the saṅghāṭī,uttarāsaṅga & a.) Vin.I,94,289; II,272. Cf. next. --sāṭaka an inner or lower garment [cp. Sk. antarīya id.],under garment,i. e. the one between the outer one & the body VvA.166 (q. v.). (Page 47)

Dont forget to see other posting about
Asankheyya Kappa

Bahasa Indonesia

Dalam rentang perjalanan manusia, (sesungguhnya) terdapat suatu masa dimana seluruh ummat manusia hanya akan mempunyai batas waktu umur rata-rata hingga 10 tahun. Masa ini terjadi ketika moralitas ummat manusia sedemikian merosotnya, sehingga umurnya hanya akan bertahan hingga 10 tahun, sesudah itu mati. Masa selang antara batas usia manusia rata-rata 10 tahun lalu naik sampai usia yang panjang sekali hingga mencapai delapan puluh ribu ( 80.000 ) tahun, lalu turun kembali hingga batas usia rata-rata menjadi 10 tahun kembali, itu adalah rentang waktu 1 “Antara-Kappa” ( Antara satu kappa ke Kappa berikutnya, itulah “Antara-Kappa” ).

Satu ( 1 ) Asankheyya Kappa adalah sama dengan 20 Antara Kappa. Satu ( 1 ) Asankheyya Kappa, oleh para sarjana dinyatakan, bila dialjabarkan sama dengan 10 pangkat 14 ( angka satu ( 1 ) diikuti seratus empat puluh ( 140 ) angka nol, sehingga lamanya melebihi jumlah jutaan-trilyun tahun. Dan Satu ( 1 ) Maha Kappa adalah sama dengan empat ( 4 ) Asankheyya Kappa, sehingga 1 Maha Kappa lamanya melebihi maha jutaan-trilyun tahun.

Dimensi waktu yang disebut “Kappa” inilah yang digunakan untuk mengukur umur rata-rata makhluk-makhluk yang terlahir dalam alam Rupaloka dan Arupaloka, yang kesemuanya bisa anda lihat pada “Tabel 31 Alam Kehidupan”.

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Pesan orang tua

Ayo ngelakoni apik, sing seneng weweh, (pokok'e nek kasih sesuatu aja diitung) aja nglarani atine uwong.
Aja dadi uwong sing rumangsa bisa lan rumangsa pinter. Nanging dadiya uwong sing bisa lan pinter rumangsa.
"Sabar iku lire momot kuat nandhang sakening coba lan pandhadharaning urip. Sabar iku ingaran mustikaning laku." -
Ms. Shinta & Paribasan Jowo


Mari melakukan kebaikan dan senang berdarma-bakti, jangan pernah dihitung-hitung kalau sudah berbuat baik.
Janganlah menyakiti hati orang lain.
Jadi orang jangan cuma merasa bisa dan merasa pintar, tetapi jadilah orang yang bisa dan pintar merasa.
"Sabar itu merupakan sebuah kemampuan untuk menahan segala macam godaan dalam hidup.
Bertingkah laku dengan mengedepankan kesabaran itu ibaratnya bagaikan sebuah mustika
(sebuah hal yang sangat indah) dalam praktek kehidupan"
- Bu Shinta & Pepatah Jawa