Monday, December 10, 2012

Migasālā Sutta

Migasālā Suttaṃ
"Do not judge others"

Lord says:
"...Who would know this difference other than the Tathāgata? Therefore ânanda, do not measure [critic] others. They that measure people do it, lop sidedly. Either I should measure people or one like Me should do it."

खञ्ञति हानन्द, पुग्गलेसु पमाणं गण्हन्तो। अहं वा, आनन्द,
पुग्गलेसु पमाणं गण्हेय्यं, यो वा पनस्स मादिसो।
Khaññati hānanda, puggalesu pamāṇaṃ gaṇhanto. Ahaṃ vā, ānanda,
puggalesu pamāṇaṃ gaṇheyyaṃ, yo vā panassa mādiso.

Venerable ânanda putting on robes in the morning, taking bowl and robes approached the house of the female lay disciple Migasala and sat on the prepared seat. The lay female disciple Migasala approached venerable ânanda, worshipped, sat on a side and said:

Venerable sir, ânanda, knowing in what manner does The Blessed One declare the one who led the holy life and the one who lived the lay life gone to the same destiny after death? Venerable sir, my father Purana, led the holy life, abstaining from low sexual intercourse, after he died The Blessed One declared he is born in the world of happiness and is a once returner. My father's brother Isidatta led a happy lay life contented with his wife and children, after he died The Blessed One declared he is born in the world of happiness and is a once returner. Venerable sir, ânanda, knowing in what manner does The Blessed One declare the one who led the holy life and the one who lived the lay life gone to the same destiny after death? Sister, The Blessed One has declared this in this manner.

Venerable ânanda, partaking the meal at the lay female disciple Migasala's house, getting up from his seat, went away. After the meal venerable ânanda approached The Blessed One, worshipped, sat on a side and said:

Here, venerable sir, I put on robes in the morning, taking bowl and robes approached the house of the female lay disciple Migasala and sat on the prepared seat. The lay female disciple Migasala approached me worshipped, sat on a side and said:

Venerable sir, ânanda, knowing in what manner does The Blessed One declare the one who led the holy life and the one who lived the lay life gone to the same destiny after death? Venerable sir, my father Purana, led the holy life, abstaining from low sexual intercourse, after he died The Blessed One declared he is born in the world of happiness and is a once returner. My father's brother Isidatta led a happy lay life contented with his wife and children, after he died The Blessed One declared he is born in the world of happiness and is a once returner. Venerable sir, ânanda, knowing in what manner does The Blessed One declare the one who led the holy life and the one who lived the lay life gone to the same destiny after death? Venerable sir, then I said. Sister, The Blessed One has declared this in this manner.

ânanda, who is this foolish lay female disciple with low wisdom? What does she know about the human character and everything that comes into the range of the mental faculties? ânanda, six beings are evident in the world. What six?

Here, ânanda, a certain person is gentle, co-exists happily, if living the holy life enjoys living alone. He has not heard something fruitful, has not learnt something, has not straightened his view and he personally has not gained any release. After death he goes to loss does not gain any distinction.

Here, ânanda, a certain person is gentle co-exists happily, if living the holy life, enjoys living alone. He has heard something fruitful, has learnt something, has straightened his view and he personally has gained some release. After death he does not go to loss gains some distinction. There ânanda, those who measure say. The same things were evident in this one and the other. Why did one go to decrease and the other go to increase. ânanda, it is for their unpleasantness for a long time. There, ânanda, that person who is gentle co-exists happily, if living the holy life enjoys living alone. Has heard something fruitful, has learnt something, has straightened his view and he personally has gained some release. This one is superior and exalted than the previous said person. What is the reason? This one has entered the stream of the Teaching Who would know this difference other than the Thus Gone One? Therefore ânanda, do not measure persons. They that measure people do it, lop sidedly. Either I should measure people or one like me should do it.

Here, ânanda, a certain person is overwhelmed with hate and from time to time greed arises to him. He has not heard something fruitful, has not learnt something, has not straightened his view and he personally has not gained any release. After death he goes to loss does not gain any distinction.

Here, ânanda, a certain person is overwhelmed with hate and from time to time greed arises to him. He has heard something fruitful, has learnt something, has straightened his view and he personally has gained some release. After death he does not go to loss gains some distinction.

Here, ânanda, a certain person is overwhelmed with hate and from time to time, verbal determinations arise to him. He has not heard something fruitful, has not learnt something, has not straightened his view and he personally has not gained any release. After death he goes to loss does not gain any distinction.

Here, ânanda, a certain person is overwhelmed with hate and from time to time verbal determinatins arise to him. He has heard something fruitful, has learnt something, has straightened his view and he personally has gained some release. After death he does not go to loss gains some distinction.

There ânanda, those who measure say. The same things were evident in this one and the other. Why did one go to decrease and the other go to increase. ânanda, it is for their unpleasantness for a long time. There, ânanda, that person overwhelmed with hate and has verbal determinations rising to him from time to time, has heard something fruitful, has learnt something, has straightened his view and he personally has gained some release. This one is superior and exalted than the previous said person. What is the reason? This one has entered the stream of the Teaching Who would know this difference other than the Thus Gone One? Therefore ânanda, do not measure persons. They that measure people do it, lop sidedly. Either I should measure people or one like me should do it.

ânanda, who is this foolish lay female disciple with low wisdom? What does she know about the human character and everything that comes into the range of the mental faculties? ânanda, these six beings are evident in the world.

ânanda, whatever virtues Purna had developed, those virtues were evident in Isidatta too. Whatever wisdom Purna had developed, that wisdom was evident in Isidatta too. There is no other birth for Purana other than, that of Isisdatta. Therefore, ânanda, both these persons are in the same category.

English Translation:

Tipitaka Source 【經源】:
तिपिटक (मूल) - सुत्तपिटक - अङ्गुत्तरनिकाय - छक्कनिपातपाळि - ५. धम्मिकवग्गो - २. मिगसालासुत्तं
Tipiṭaka (mūla) - suttapiṭaka - aṅguttaranikāya - chakkanipātapāḷi - 5. Dham'mikavaggō - 2. Migasālāsuttaṁ

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Pesan orang tua

Ayo ngelakoni apik, sing seneng weweh, (pokok'e nek kasih sesuatu aja diitung) aja nglarani atine uwong.
Aja dadi uwong sing rumangsa bisa lan rumangsa pinter. Nanging dadiya uwong sing bisa lan pinter rumangsa.
"Sabar iku lire momot kuat nandhang sakening coba lan pandhadharaning urip. Sabar iku ingaran mustikaning laku." -
Ms. Shinta & Paribasan Jowo


Mari melakukan kebaikan dan senang berdarma-bakti, jangan pernah dihitung-hitung kalau sudah berbuat baik.
Janganlah menyakiti hati orang lain.
Jadi orang jangan cuma merasa bisa dan merasa pintar, tetapi jadilah orang yang bisa dan pintar merasa.
"Sabar itu merupakan sebuah kemampuan untuk menahan segala macam godaan dalam hidup.
Bertingkah laku dengan mengedepankan kesabaran itu ibaratnya bagaikan sebuah mustika
(sebuah hal yang sangat indah) dalam praktek kehidupan"
- Bu Shinta & Pepatah Jawa