Saturday, October 19, 2013

Pali Word 【巴利文】

māturakkhitā: one protected by her mother. 【母親所護】
piturakkhitā: one protected by her father. 【父親所護】
mātāpiturakkhitā: one protected by both her mother and father. 【父母所護】
bhāturakkhitā: one protected by her older or younger brother. 【兄弟所護】
bhaginirakkhitā: one protected by her older or younger sister. 【姐妹所護】
ñātirakkhitā: one protected by her relatives. 【親戚所護】
gottarakkhitā: one protected by her clansmen. 【宗族長所護】
dhammarakkhitā: one protected by Dhamma (e.g. a nun). 【戒律所護】
sārakkhā: one protected by her husband. 【丈夫所護】
saparidaṇḍā: one whose use involves punishment
(i.e. a woman, for misbehaving with whom a king levies a fine against a man).
dhanakkītā: a woman whose indenture-ship was purchased by a man with the intention of making her his wife.
chandavāsinī: one who lives with a man of her own free will.
bhogavāsinī: one who becomes the wife of a man because of his wealth.
paṭavāsinī: A destitute woman who becomes the wife of a man out of hope for things such as clothes.
odapattakinī: one whom a man has asked for in marriage, during the solemnization of which the elders of the family take hold of the bride and groom’s hands, plunge the hands into a tray of water and give the blessing, “May both of you love each other and live happily together; do not break apart, just as the water in this tray does not break apart.”
obhaṭacumbaṭā: one who, being released from a heavy burden by a man, then becomes his wife.
dāsī ca bhariyā ca: A slave woman whom a man treats as a wife.
kammakārī ca bhariyā ca: A paid employee whom a man treats as a wife.
dhajāhaṭā: one whom a man carries off in war and then makes his wife.
muhuttikā: one living with a man for a certain period of time understanding that she is his wife.
【有對象的人; 結婚了】
Sense or feeling of worldly pleasant which has to do with sexual desire.
Selfish desires [lust and ill desire with no sense of responsibility, just full of lust enjoyment]
Micchācāra: Lead to ill deeds. 【引起不善德的行為;不好的態度】
Micchā: opposite [of truth and goodness],the contrary of virtue; falsehood; wrongly or in a wrong way, in an evil way.
Let’s see the word mithū which means wrong doing; misdeed. 【道德的相反】
Mithū actually means breaking / to go against [nature rule] or cause the opposite 【違犯自然規律】
For example mithūbheda means break friendship.【破壞友誼】
Cāra = behavior or manner / way. 【意及行】
kāmeṣu-micchā-cāra: sexually misconduct, in 5 precepts [which is for layman, not monk] the main point of this third sila is not to do sexually misconduct, which means a couple should faithful and trusty, not to betray another or having affairs with other. This third sila is to abstain oneself from especially to break apart others marriage, to seduce or even fall in love other's couple.
a: non, not 【不】
brahma = holy, in 10 precepts, the brahma refer to brahmin [the holy ascetic, holy person who abstain from worldly desires, such as money, politic and lust desire] KhA 151
cariyā: conduct, behavior. 【行為】

ubhato = twofold, both ways, on both sides 【兩側,兩旁,雙方;兩面】
daṇḍa - daṇḍaka = stick made by a tree’s rod which has white skin [use for beating] [tāḷeti] A.I,47 【用於懲罰或打人的棍子】

bhikkhave = bhikkhus 【比丘們】
kakacena - kakaca = a saw 【鋸子】
corā – cora = a thief – robber 【偷盜的人;盜賊】
ocarakā – ocaraka = the spy – informant 【間諜】
aṅgamaṅgāni = an element or constituent parts which forming body [with all limbs of human body], parts of an object. [briefly means part of body], 【肉體部位】
okanteyyuṃ - okantati = cut-out; carve 【刻斷,切開】
tatrāpi - tatrâpâsiṁ - tatra = there 【在那裡】
yo = any person who ... 【任何人】
mano = mind 【思想意念】
padūseyya – padūseti – padūsesi = polluted [to defile] – 【思想被染弊; 思想被沾染】
na = never be【不可能是】
me = mine, me, my 【我的】
so = that person 【那個人】
tena = because of it 【因此,因為這樣】
sāsanakaro = complying with one's teaching or guidance.
Ti = thus 【如此】

Yo = who, he who, whoever 【誰是,任何人】
Me = to me 【給我】
Hatthe – hattha = [m.] the hand 【手】
ca ... ca = either do this or that; or 【又...又; 這個或那個; 或者】
pāde – pāda = foot, feet 【腳】
kaṇṇa = ear 【耳朵】
nāsañca – nāsana = destroy / kill, to damage or ruin 【損壞,損害;殺害】
chedayi – cheda = [m.] cutting off; severance. 【割掉,割斷】
Ciraṃ = [adv] (for) a long time. 【長久】
Rājā from the word [rāj = “ditti” means splendour] = king,a ruling potentate.【國王,皇帝】
So – sa – ta = he / this or that person 【這、那個人; 彼】
Jīvatu = longlive! Have longevity life. 【長壽,長命】
Na hi = certainly not 【絕對不會,一定不】
Kujjhanta = [pr.p. of kujjhati] being angry 【生氣;嗔怒;被氣】

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Pesan orang tua

Ayo ngelakoni apik, sing seneng weweh, (pokok'e nek kasih sesuatu aja diitung) aja nglarani atine uwong.
Aja dadi uwong sing rumangsa bisa lan rumangsa pinter. Nanging dadiya uwong sing bisa lan pinter rumangsa.
"Sabar iku lire momot kuat nandhang sakening coba lan pandhadharaning urip. Sabar iku ingaran mustikaning laku." -
Ms. Shinta & Paribasan Jowo


Mari melakukan kebaikan dan senang berdarma-bakti, jangan pernah dihitung-hitung kalau sudah berbuat baik.
Janganlah menyakiti hati orang lain.
Jadi orang jangan cuma merasa bisa dan merasa pintar, tetapi jadilah orang yang bisa dan pintar merasa.
"Sabar itu merupakan sebuah kemampuan untuk menahan segala macam godaan dalam hidup.
Bertingkah laku dengan mengedepankan kesabaran itu ibaratnya bagaikan sebuah mustika
(sebuah hal yang sangat indah) dalam praktek kehidupan"
- Bu Shinta & Pepatah Jawa