Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mettā Sutta - Loving Kindness Sutta

Karaniya Mettā Sutta

Profound contemplation on Loving kindness.

Karanîya mattha kusalena
Yantam santam padam abhi-samecca
Sakko ujû ca sûjû ca
Suvaco cassa mudu anatimâni

He who is skilled in doing good,
and who wishes to attain that state of calm (i.e. Nibbana) should act thus :
He should be able, upright, perfectly know how to face the difficulties,*
obedient**, gentle and humble.***

* He should be a skillful person, upright and
seriously, fully determined in virtue or doing goodness.
know how to handle hardship calmly,
or when facing chaostic or riot,
this person should be skillful or wise
to dampen dispute or infighting.
** obedient: he is a person who is easy to be advised on goodness
and obedient in following the advice of virtue.
*** gentle and humble:
hospitable or friendly, speak not in high tone or rude
as well as not haughty or arrogant in his speech.

Santussako ca subharo ca
Appa-kicco ca sallahuka-vutti
Santindriyo ca nipako ca
Appa-gabbho kulesu ananu giddho

Contented, easily supportable (not a burden to others)*,
with few duties**, simple in livelihood.
Controlled in senses, discreet, not impudent;***
Not greedily attached to families****.

When Lord utters this first paragraph, He indicates that a human
should filled his/her heart with feeling of gratitude and sense of sufficient
when someone give them gift or present,
the feeling of gratefulness to what one got or provided by others,
that person does not pout when given fewer than the other persons received
or even get less tasty of food.
[1. santussako]

and live in simple life
[realize the limit of ourself,
not desire than main needs such food, medicine, clothes from others.
or take advantage from others]
by this he / she doesn't give burden to other.
[2. subharo; literally means easily supported by others and live frugally]

** Do the priority or the main task in one's life.

*** The Feelings are not deterred by malice or the malicious desire towards either the things,
form/shape, or persons he/she does not like.
To have himself well trained in sila [refrain oneself from evil].
Not presumptuous, have courtesy and polite [respectful],
either through words, deeds or thoughts.

**** Also not to toad the superior in purpose of something
that benefit her or himself. [not sycophant]

Naca khuddham samâcare kinci
Yena viññû pare upava-deyyum
Sukhino vâ khemino hontu
Sabbe sattâ bhavantu sukhi-tattâ

He should not commit any slight wrong*,
so that other wise men who hold well goodness and justice might deplore
[in heart wish] Feel joy and secure**,
may all being be happy. ***

* wrong = any evil deed, cruelty, unjust or untrue.
in this slight wrong means Minor Vinaya for Buddhist disciples.
for example: fall in love with someone else's fiance;
step on the grass, which led to the killing of living beings;
disturb the harmony of the other families with tempting or seduce;
wearing improper clothes [with armpit and navel uncover] and
spray the seducing aroma of perfume then go to vihara meet the monks;
underestimate the sacred life and disdain the meaning of morality;
not respect to elderly.

** sukhino from the word sukhin - sukha =
at ease, joy.
vā = either, or.
khemino is from a word Khemin which means abhaya
safe and well,
safe and peace:
a sense of safety,
feeling safe from any danger.
[abhaya means free from danger],

*** sabbe - sabba = to every
satta = being
bhavantu = wish all
sukhita from word sukheti =
feel happy; feel glad;
sense happy as if we are blessed,
the feeling when one feels blessed.

Ye keci pâna bhû-tatthi
Tasâvâ thâvarâ vâ anava sesâ
Dighâ vâ ye mahantâ vâ
Majjhimâ-rassa-kânuka thûlâ

Whatsoever living beings that exist;
weak, or strong, without exception,
long, large or medium, ***
short, small or stout .

  1. long digha - any being like fish [eel, etc], lizard, etc
  2. large Mahanta - elephant, non-human[yakkha], etc. [which their hand, feet and body wide]
  3. Medium Majjhima - horse, cow, ox, pig, donkey, etc.
  4. short Rassaka - other size among large and medium.
  5. small Anuka - very small being, like small being that live in damage and old book, similar with flea.
  6. stout Thula - circle, rounded body, like some certain fish, turtle, oyster, clam, etc.
  7. briefly is all kinds of living being.

Ditthâ vâ yeva additthâ
Ye ca dûre vasanti avidûre
Bhûtâ vâ sambhavesi vâ
Sabbe sattâ bhavantu sukhi-tattâ

Those seen (visible) or unseen (not visible - non human)
and those dwelling far or near,
those who are born and those who are to be born.
May all beings, without exception, be happy minded.

Na paro param nikubbetha
Nâti-mannêtha katthaci nam kanci
Byâro-sanâ patigha-saññâ
Nâññâ-maññassa dukkha-miccheyya

Let no one deceive another*
nor despise anyone anywhere**
In anger or ill will,
let them not wish each other harm.

* Na = never / not to
param = anymore, furthermore, any further.
nikubbetha from a word called "nikaroti"
literally means a word that indicates
to bring down,humiliate,to deceive or cheat]

not to harm other anymore:
not to play A off against B;
not to make mischief (between);
not indifferent or apathetic.

** supercilious or feel superior because of his or her own wealth,
physical strength, achievement and any good point or superiority that he or her has,
by showing attitude of challenging or arrogant manner towards others.

Mâtâ yathâ niyam puttam
Âyusâ eka-putta-manu rakkhe
Evampi sabba bhûtesu
Mânasam-bhâvaye apari-mânam

Just as a mother would guard her only child
at the risk of her own life,*
even so towards all beings
let him cultivate boundless mind. **

* just like a mother who is protecting her only son
with all her life when danger and harmful occurrence approaching,
without considering her own safety.
** just like this kind of unselfishness and determinded [whole-hearted]
we should emitting the loving kindness towards others,
again and again.

Mettañca sabbalôkasmin
Manasam-bhâvaye apari-mânam
Uddham adhô ca tiriyanca
Asam-bâdham averam asa-pattam

Cultivate an all-embracing mind of this friendliness and kindness
for all throughout the universe,
In all its height, depth and breadth —
Love that is untroubled
And beyond hatred or enmity.

Mettañca : friendliness, mind which full of kindness [pikiran yang dipenuhi rasa persahabatan dan kebajikan]
sabbalôkasmin : universal, the whole worlds [universal]
mānasaṃ :The mind; arhatship; intention,purpose [pikiran yang tak bernoda, bersih, maksud yg murni]
bhāvaye - bhāveti :[bhū+ e] increases; cultivates; develops.[maju, berkembang, bertumbuh subur]
aparimāṇa :[adj] immeasurable [limitless]. [tak terbatas]

direction [see the sigalovada sutta about this direction]

Tittham caram nisinno vâ
Sayâno vâ yâva tassa vigata middho
Etam satim adhitthheyya
Brahma metam viharam idha-mâhu

Whether he stands, walks, sits
or lies down, as long as he is awake,
he should develop this mindfulness.
Thus they say it is the Highest conduct here.

Ditthiñca anupa gamma sîlavâ
Dassa-nena sampanno
Kâmesu vineyya gedham
Nahi jâtu gabbha seyyam punaretî ti

Not falling into (wrong) views*,
virtuous and endowed with vision (insight)**,
he discards attachment to sensuous desires.***
Truly, he does not come again; to be conceived in a womb.

*Wrong Views:
thinking all materials is our own,
such as money, house, clothes, etc, or even our children.

Dhammapada verse 62:
'These children are mine, this wealth is mine,'
thus the thoughts of a fool.
Even he belongs to nothing,
how come those are his belonging?'
see The Story of ânanda, the Rich Man (Verse 62)

** Virtous and endowed with insight vision:
he unwavering in goodness and determinded in virtue,
till became sublime, the noble which transcend beyond the mundane.
***heart clean from defilement.

** + *** = become a man in virtue which surpassed the wordliness,
free from any defilement and attachment, and become a Buddha or Arahant himself.

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Pesan orang tua

Ayo ngelakoni apik, sing seneng weweh, (pokok'e nek kasih sesuatu aja diitung) aja nglarani atine uwong.
Aja dadi uwong sing rumangsa bisa lan rumangsa pinter. Nanging dadiya uwong sing bisa lan pinter rumangsa.
"Sabar iku lire momot kuat nandhang sakening coba lan pandhadharaning urip. Sabar iku ingaran mustikaning laku." -
Ms. Shinta & Paribasan Jowo


Mari melakukan kebaikan dan senang berdarma-bakti, jangan pernah dihitung-hitung kalau sudah berbuat baik.
Janganlah menyakiti hati orang lain.
Jadi orang jangan cuma merasa bisa dan merasa pintar, tetapi jadilah orang yang bisa dan pintar merasa.
"Sabar itu merupakan sebuah kemampuan untuk menahan segala macam godaan dalam hidup.
Bertingkah laku dengan mengedepankan kesabaran itu ibaratnya bagaikan sebuah mustika
(sebuah hal yang sangat indah) dalam praktek kehidupan"
- Bu Shinta & Pepatah Jawa