Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Pattakamma Sutta : Take A Good Care Of Welfare

Restoring actions

007.01. The householder Anàthapiõóika approached the Blessed One, worshipped and sat on a side. The Blessed One said thus to him:

Householder, these four things, pleasing and agreeable for worldly pleasure and charm are rare in the world. What four?

May wealth arise to me rightfully. This is the first thing rare in the world, pleasing and agreeable for worldly pleasure and charm. When wealth is obtained rightfully may my fame spread together with my relatives and Master. This is the second thing rare in the world, pleasing and agreeable for worldly pleasure and charm. Wealth is obtained rightfully, my fame has spread together with my relatives and Master. May I live long protected. This is the third thing rare in the world, pleasing and agreeable for worldly pleasure and charm.

Wealth is obtained rightfully my fame has spread together with my relatives and Master. At the end of a long protected life, securing a place in heaven, may I be born there. This is the fourth thing rare in the world, pleasing and agreeable for worldly pleasure and charm.

Householder, these four rare things in the world, are pleasing and agreeable for worldly pleasure and charm.

Householder, these four rare things in the world, pleasing and agreeable for worldly pleasure and charm, conduce to the gain of four things. What four?

The attainment of faith, virtues, generosity and wisdom.

Householder, what is the attainment of faith?

Here, householder, the noble disciple establishes faith in the enlightenment of the Thus Gone One: The Blessed One is worthy, rightfully enlightened, is endowed with knowledge and conduct, well gone, is the incomparable tamer of those to be tamed, teacher of gods and men, enlightened and Blessed. Householder, to this is called the attainment of faith.

Householder, what is the attainment of virtues?

Here, householder, the noble disciple abstains from destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving in sexual desires, telling lies, taking intoxicant and brewd drinks,

Householder, to this is called the attainment of virtues.

Householder, what is the attainment of generosity?

Here, householder, the noble disciple lives in the household having dispelled miserliness and its stains, his mind released through benevolence, is open handed attached to giving to those in need, he abides making arrangements to give gifts.

Householder, to this is called the attainment of generosity.

Householder, what is the attainment of wisdom?

Householder, the mind of one abiding, overcome by covetousness and greed, does what should not be done and fails to do what should be done and whatever obtainable pleasantness flees from him. Householder, the mind of one abiding, overcome by hatefulness, does what should not be done and fails to do what should be done and whatever obtainable pleasantness flees from him. Householder, the mind of one abiding, overcome by sloth and torpor, does what should not be done and fails to do what should be done and whatever obtainable pleasantness flees from him. Householder, the mind of one abiding, overcome by restlessness and worry does what should not be done and fails to do what should be done and whatever obtainable pleasantness flees from him. Householder, the mind of one abiding, overcome by doubts, does what should not be done and fails to do what should be done and whatever obtainable pleasantness flees from him.

Householder, the noble disciple knowing that covetousness and greed is a minor defilement of the mind dispels it. Knowing that hatefulness is a minor defilement of the mind dispels it. Knowing that sloth and torpor is a minor defilement of the mind dispels it. Knowing that restlessness and worry is a minor defilement of the mind dispels it. Knowing that doubts are minor defilements of the mind dispel them. When the noble disciple knowing that covetousness and greed, hatefulness, sloth and torpor, restlessness and worry and doubts are minor defilements of the mind and dispel them it is said that the noble disciple has attained great spread out wisdom which sees the respective field of conscioussness. This is the attainment of wisdom.

Householder, these four rare things in the world, pleasing and agreeable for worldly pleasure and charm, conduce to the gain of these four things.

Householder, with the rightfully amassed wealth, by arousing effort toiling with his own hands while sweat was dripping, the noble disciple does four things. What four?

Householder, with the rightfully amassed wealth, by arousing effort, toiling with his own hands, while sweat was dripping, the noble disciple, pleases himself lives enjoying pleasure, pleases wife, children, slaves and workmen and makes them enjoy life. Pleases friends and co-associates. This is his first achievement and restoration of actions within his sphere.

Again, householder, with the rightfully amassed wealth, by arousing effort, toiling with his own hands, while sweat was dripping, the noble disciple, makes himself safe by investing for a misfortune from fire, water, the king, from robbers, from unwelcome inheriters, or such like disaster. This is his second achievement and restoration of actions within his sphere.

Again, householder, wit h the rightfully amassed wealth, by arousing effort, toiling with his own hands, while sweat was dripping, the noble disciple, makes fivefold offerings such as to relations, guests, the departed, the king and the gods. This is his third achievement, restoration of actions within his sphere.

Again, householder, with the rightfully amassed wealth, by arousing effort, toiling with his own hands, while sweat was dripping, the noble disciple, makes the highest offerings to recluses and Brahmins, who refrain from intoxicants and negligence, are appeased and gentle. Of them some engaged in appeasing and taming themselves, and others extinguished. This is his fourth achievement and restoration of actions within his sphere.

Householder, with the rightfully amassed wealth, by arousing effort toiling with his own hands while sweat was dripping, the noble disciple does these four achievements and restorations of actions within his sphere. Householder, whosever wealth gets exhausted other than in these four achievements and restorations it is said to be put below the ground, thrown away and not enjoyed through the senses. Householder, if wealth gets exhausted in these four achievements and restorations, it is said to be put to good use not thrown away and enjoyed through the senses.

I have amassed wealth, partaken it, sustained others and left for misfortune,
Have given gifts to the highest and made the five offerings.
I have attended on the restrained, virtuous leading a holy life.
For whatever reason wise householders earn wealth,
That I have attained, there is no remorse
Humans aware of death, established in the noble teaching
Rejoice here and now and later in heaven.

Tipitaka source 【經源】:
तिपिटक - सुत्तपिटक - अङ्गुत्तरनिकाय - चतुक्कनिपात - पत्तकम्मवग्गो - १. पत्तकम्मसुत्तं
Tipiṭaka - Suttapiṭaka - Aṅguttaranikāya – Catukkanipāta – Pattakammavaggo - Pattakammasuttaṃ
三藏經 – 藏經 - 增一尼迦耶 – 第四集 - 有益之行品 - 巴陀伽摩經
大藏经 – 藏经 - 增支部 【阿含经】 – 第四集 - 适切业品 - 适切业经

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Pesan orang tua

Ayo ngelakoni apik, sing seneng weweh, (pokok'e nek kasih sesuatu aja diitung) aja nglarani atine uwong.
Aja dadi uwong sing rumangsa bisa lan rumangsa pinter. Nanging dadiya uwong sing bisa lan pinter rumangsa.
"Sabar iku lire momot kuat nandhang sakening coba lan pandhadharaning urip. Sabar iku ingaran mustikaning laku." -
Ms. Shinta & Paribasan Jowo


Mari melakukan kebaikan dan senang berdarma-bakti, jangan pernah dihitung-hitung kalau sudah berbuat baik.
Janganlah menyakiti hati orang lain.
Jadi orang jangan cuma merasa bisa dan merasa pintar, tetapi jadilah orang yang bisa dan pintar merasa.
"Sabar itu merupakan sebuah kemampuan untuk menahan segala macam godaan dalam hidup.
Bertingkah laku dengan mengedepankan kesabaran itu ibaratnya bagaikan sebuah mustika
(sebuah hal yang sangat indah) dalam praktek kehidupan"
- Bu Shinta & Pepatah Jawa