Sunday, August 18, 2013

Mahadhanasetthiputta - Mahadhana‘s Son

"The son of Mahadhana, a rich man from Baranasi"

The son of Mahadhana did not study while he was young;
when he came of age he married the daughter of a rich man,
who, like him, also had no education. When the parents on both sides died,
they inherited eighty crores from each side and so were very rich.

But both of them were ignorant and knew only how to spend money
and not how to keep it or to make it grow.

They just ate and drank and had a good time,
squandering their money. When they had spent all,
they sold their fields and gardens and finally their house.
Thus, they became very poor and helpless;

and because they did not know how to earn a living they had to go begging.
One day, the Buddha saw the rich man's son leaning against a wall of the monastery,
taking the leftovers given him by the samaneras; seeing him, the Buddha smiled.

The Venerable Ananda asked the Buddha why he smiled,
and the Buddha replied,

"Ananda, look at this son of a very rich man; he had lived a useless life,
an aimless life of pleasure. If he had learnt to look after
his riches in the first stage of his life he would have been a top-ranking rich man;

or if he had become a bhikkhu, he could have been an arahat,
and his wife could have been an anagami.

If he had learnt to look after his riches in the second stage
of his life he would have been a second rank rich man,
or if he had become a bhikkhu he could have been an anagami,
and his wife could have been a sakadagami.

If he had learnt to look after his riches in the third stage
of his life he would have been a third rank rich man,
or if he had become a bhikkhu he could have been a sakadagami,
and his wife could have been a sotapanna.

However, because he had done nothing in all the three stages
of his life he had lost all his worldly riches,
he had also lost all opportunities of attaining any of the Maggas and Phalas."

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:
Verse 155:
They, who in youth have neither led the life of
Purity nor have acquired wealth,
waste away in dejection like
decrepit herons on a drying pond deplete of fish.

Verse 156:
They, who in youth have neither led the Life of
Purity nor have acquired wealth,
lie helplessly like arrows that have lost momentum,
moaning and sighing after the past.

End of Chapter Eleven: Aging (Jaravagga)

Dhammapada Verses 155 and 156
Mahadhanasetthiputta Vatthu

अचरित्वा ब्रह्मचरियं, अलद्धा योब्बने धनं।
जिण्णकोञ्चाव झायन्ति, खीणमच्छेव पल्लले॥
Acaritva brahmacariyam
aladdha yobbane dhanam
jinnakoncava jhayanti
khinamaccheva pallale.

अचरित्वा ब्रह्मचरियं, अलद्धा योब्बने धनं।
सेन्ति चापातिखीणाव, पुराणानि अनुत्थुनं॥
Acaritva brahmacariyam
aladdha yobbane dhanam
senti capatikhinava
puranani anutthunam.

Verse 155:
They, who in youth have neither led the life of Purity
nor have acquired wealth, waste away in dejection
like decrepit herons on a drying pond deplete of fish.

Verse 156: They, who in youth have neither led the Life of Purity
nor have acquired wealth,
lie helplessly like arrows that have lost momentum,
moaning and sighing after the past.

Source 【經源】:
तिपिटक - सुत्तपिटक - खुद्दकनिकाय - धम्मपद - जरावग्गो - १५५ & १५६.
Tipiṭaka - Suttapiṭaka - Khuddakanikāya - Dhammapada - Jarāvaggo - 155 & 156
三藏經 – 藏經 – 小部經 – 法句經 – 老化品 – 155及156偈
大藏经 – 藏经 – 小部经 – 法句经 – 老化品 – 155及156偈

Pali Script, please click here.
Bahasa Indonesia, silakan klik disini.

Don't forget to also read this posting
Lord said to Monks "Do not afraid of doing good deeds..."

Word bank
【巴利文 - 生詞表】

  1. Acaritvā = not undertake, not do 【不進行】
  2. brahmacariyaṃ = right path, holy way of life. 【梵行(中單業格)】
  3. aladdhā = not achieve, not gain 【不得,得不到】>< labhati = to gain, to get【獲得,得到】
  4. yobbane = young age, youth era【青春】
  5. dhanaṃ = wealth 【財】
  6. Jiṇṇa = old age 【老化】
  7. Koñcā = heron 【鷺】
  8. Vā= thus 【如此】
  9. Va = either, or 【或者】
  10. Jhāyanti = used up【消耗】
  11. khīṇa = removed, waste, gone【被滅盡,不存在了】
  12. macche = fish【魚】
  13. pallale = small lake 【小湖,小澤之類】
  14. Senti = scattered on the ground 【臥,趴,散落】
  15. Cap = bow 弓
  16. Atikhina = Being over-consumed 【被過度滅盡】
  17. puranani = past time, erst [young age period] 已度過的時刻,已過去的事
  18. Anutthunam = with the lament, with regret 【悲歎地後悔…】

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Pesan orang tua

Ayo ngelakoni apik, sing seneng weweh, (pokok'e nek kasih sesuatu aja diitung) aja nglarani atine uwong.
Aja dadi uwong sing rumangsa bisa lan rumangsa pinter. Nanging dadiya uwong sing bisa lan pinter rumangsa.
"Sabar iku lire momot kuat nandhang sakening coba lan pandhadharaning urip. Sabar iku ingaran mustikaning laku." -
Ms. Shinta & Paribasan Jowo


Mari melakukan kebaikan dan senang berdarma-bakti, jangan pernah dihitung-hitung kalau sudah berbuat baik.
Janganlah menyakiti hati orang lain.
Jadi orang jangan cuma merasa bisa dan merasa pintar, tetapi jadilah orang yang bisa dan pintar merasa.
"Sabar itu merupakan sebuah kemampuan untuk menahan segala macam godaan dalam hidup.
Bertingkah laku dengan mengedepankan kesabaran itu ibaratnya bagaikan sebuah mustika
(sebuah hal yang sangat indah) dalam praktek kehidupan"
- Bu Shinta & Pepatah Jawa