Friday, February 8, 2013


1.a world cycle; an aeon;
2.thought.(adj.),suitable; proper; resembling.(in cpds.).

I. kappa,
(Sanskrit kalpa):'world-period',an inconceivably long space of time,an aeon.This again is subdivided into 4 sections:world-dissolution (saṃvaṭṭa-kappa) dissolving world),continuation of the chaos (saṃvaṭṭa-ṭṭhāyī),world-formation (vivaṭṭa -kappa),continuation of the formed world (vivaṭṭa-ṭṭhāyī).

"How long a world-dissolution will continue,how long the chaos,how long the formation,how long the continuation of the formed world,of these things; o monks,one hardly can say that it will be so many years,or so many centuries,or so many millennia,or so many hundred thousands of years" (A.IV,156)

A detailed description of the 4 world-periods is given in that stirring discourse on the all-embracing impermanence in A.VII,62.

The beautiful simile in S.XV,5 may be mentioned here:Suppose,o monks,there was a huge rock of one solid mass,one mile long,one mile wide,one mile high,without split or flaw.And at the end of every hundred years a man should come and rub against it once with a silken cloth.Then that huge rock would wear off and disappear quicker than a world-period.But of such world-periods,o monks,many have passed away,many hundreds,many thousands,many hundred thousands.And how is this possible? Inconceivable,o monks,is this saṃsāra (q.v.),not to be discovered is any first beginning of beings,who obstructed by ignorance and ensnared by craving,are hurrying and hastening through this round of rebirths."

Compare here Grimm's German fairy-tale of the little shepherdboy:'In Farther Pommerania there is the diamond-mountain,one hour high,one hour wide,one hour deep.There every hundred years a little bird comes and whets its little beak on it.And when the whole mountain is ground off,then the first second of eternity has passed."

II. Kappa,(adj.n.)
[Sk.kalpa,see kappeti for etym.& formation] anything made with a definite object in view,prepared,arranged; or that which is fit,suitable,proper.See also DA.I,103 & KhA 115 for var.meanings.--I Literal Meaning.-- 1.(adj.) fitting,suitable,proper (cp.°tā) (=kappiya) in kappâkappesu kusalo Th.1,251,°kovido Mhvs 15,16; Sn.911; as juice Miln.161.‹-› (-°) made as,like,resembling Vin.I,290 (ahata°); Sn.35 (khaggavisāṇa°); hetu° acting as cause to Sn.16; Miln.105; --a° incomparable Mhvs 14,65; -- 2.(nt.) a fitting,i.e.harness or trapping (cp.kappana) Vv 209 (VvA.104); -- a small black dot or smudge (kappabindu) imprinted on a new robe to make it lawful Vin.I,255; IV,227,286:also fig.a making-up (of a trick):lesa° DA.I,103; VvA.348.-- II.Applied Meaning.‹-› 1.(qualitative) ordinance,precept,rule; practice,manner Vin.II,294,301 (:kappati singiloṇa-kappo “fit is the rule concerning ...”); cp.Mhvs 4,9; one of the chalaṅga,the 6 disciplines of Vedic interpretation,VvA.265; -- 2.(temporal) a “fixed” time,time with individual and cosmic life.As āyu at DA.I,103 (cp.kappaṁ); as a cycle of time=saṁsāra at Sn.521,535,860 (na eti kappaṁ); as a measure of time:an age of the world Vin.III,109; Miln.108; Sdhp.256,257; PvA.21; It.17=Bdhd 87=S.II,185.There are 3 principal cycles or aeons:mahā°,asaṅkheyya°,antara°; each mahā° consists of 4 asaṅkheyya-kappas,viz.saṁvaṭṭa° saṁvaṭṭaṭṭhāyi° vivaṭṭa° vivaṭṭaṭṭhāyi° A.II,142; often abbreviated to saṁvaṭṭa-vivaṭṭa° D.I,14; It.15; formula ekampijātiṁ,etc.Vin.III,4=D.III,51,111= It.99.On pubbanta° & aparanta°,past & future kappas see D.I,12 sq.paṭhama-kappe at the beginning of the world,once upon a time (cp.atīte) J.I,207.When kappa stands by itself,a Mahā-kappa is understood:DA.I,162.A whole,complete kappa is designated by kevala° Sn.pp.18=46~125; Sn.517; also dīgha° S.II,181; Sdhp.257.For similes as to the enormous length of a kappa see S.II,181 & DA.I,164=PvA.254.-- Acc.kappaṁ adv.:for a long time D.II,103=115= Ud.62, DA.I,103; Vin.II,198; It.17; Miln.108; mayi āyukappaṁ J.I,119,cp.Miln.141.Cp.saṅkappa.

--âtīta one who has gone beyond time,an Arahant Sn.373.--âvasesaṁ (Acc.) for the rest of the kappa,in kappaṁ vā k-âvasesaṁ vā D.II,117=A.IV,309=Ud.62; Miln.140:--āyuka (one) whose life extends over a kappa Mhvs.V,87; --uṭṭhāna arising at or belonging to the (end of a) kappa:--aggi the fire which destroys the Universe J.II,397; III,185; IV,498; V,336; VI,554; Vism.304; --kāla the time of the end of the world J.V,244; --uṭṭhāna (by itself) the end of the world J.I,4=Vism.415; --kata on which a kappa,i.e.smudge,has been made, the cīvara of a bhikkhu (see above) Vin.I,255; IV,227,286; DA.I,103; --(ñ)jaha (one) who has left time behind,free from saṁsāra,an Arahant Sn.1101 (but expld at Nd2 s.v.,see also DA.I,103,as free from dve kappā:diṭṭhi° taṇha°).--jāla the consumption of the kappa by fire,the end of a kappa Dpvs.I,61.--ṭṭha staying there for a kappa, purgatory in āpāyiko nerayiko + atekiccho,said of Devadatta Vin.II,202,206; A.III,402 ~IV.160; It.11~85.--ṭṭhāyin lasting a whole cycle,of a vimāna Th.1,1190.--ṭṭhika enduring for an aeon:kibbisa (of Devadatta) Vin.II,198=204; (cp.Vin.Texts III,254) sālarukkha J.V,416; see also ṭhitakappiṁ Pug.13.--ṭṭhitika id.DhA.I,50 (vera); Miln.108 (kammaṁ).(“sabbe pi magga-samaṅgino puggalā ṭhita-kappino.”) --ṭṭhiya-=prec.A.V,75; J.I,172,213; V,33; Miln.109,214.°rukkha the tree that lasts for a kappa, the cittapāṭalī,the pied trumpet-tree in the abode of the Asuras J.I,202; --nibbatta originated at the beginning of the k.( the flames of purgatory) J.V,272; --parivaṭṭa the evolution of a k; the end of the world Dpvs.I,59; --pādapa=°rukkha Mhbv 2; --rukkha a wishing tree,magical tree,fulfilling all wishes; sometimes fig.J.VI,117,594; Vism.206; PvA.75,176,121; VvA.32 (where combd with cintāmaṇi); DhA.IV,208; --latā a creeper like the kapparukkha VvA.12; --vināsaka (scil.aggi):the fire consuming the world at the end of a k.Vism.414 sq.; (mahāmegho) DhA.III,362; --samaṇa an ascetic precepts,an earnest ascetic J.VI,60 (cp.samaṇa-kappa); --halāhala “the k-uproar,” the uproar near the end of a kalpa J.I,47.(Page 187)

Dont forget to see other posting about
Antara Kappa
Asankheyya Kappa

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Pesan orang tua

Ayo ngelakoni apik, sing seneng weweh, (pokok'e nek kasih sesuatu aja diitung) aja nglarani atine uwong.
Aja dadi uwong sing rumangsa bisa lan rumangsa pinter. Nanging dadiya uwong sing bisa lan pinter rumangsa.
"Sabar iku lire momot kuat nandhang sakening coba lan pandhadharaning urip. Sabar iku ingaran mustikaning laku." -
Ms. Shinta & Paribasan Jowo


Mari melakukan kebaikan dan senang berdarma-bakti, jangan pernah dihitung-hitung kalau sudah berbuat baik.
Janganlah menyakiti hati orang lain.
Jadi orang jangan cuma merasa bisa dan merasa pintar, tetapi jadilah orang yang bisa dan pintar merasa.
"Sabar itu merupakan sebuah kemampuan untuk menahan segala macam godaan dalam hidup.
Bertingkah laku dengan mengedepankan kesabaran itu ibaratnya bagaikan sebuah mustika
(sebuah hal yang sangat indah) dalam praktek kehidupan"
- Bu Shinta & Pepatah Jawa